play a clown

play a clown
прикидываться дураком

Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "play a clown" в других словарях:

  • play — n 1. drama, dramatic play, stage play; stage show, show; theatrical piece, theatricals, piece, work, vehicle; screenplay, photoplay, photodrama, Inf. opus; teleplay, television drama or play, TV drama or play; radio drama or play, broadcast… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • clown — I n. 1) to act, play the clown 2) a circus clown II v. (D; intr.) to clown with * * * [klaʊn] play the clown (D; intr.) to clown with a circus clown to act …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Clown — (kloun), n. [Cf. Icel. klunni a clumsy, boorish fellow, North Fries. kl[ o]nne clown, dial. Sw. klunn log, Dan. klunt log, block, and E. clump, n.] 1. A man of coarse nature and manners; an awkward fellow; an ill bred person; a boor. Sir P.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • play — [n1] theater piece comedy, curtain raiser*, drama, entertainment, farce, flop*, hit*, mask*, musical, one act*, opera, performance, potboiler*, show, smash*, smash hit*, stage show, theatrical, tragedy, turkey*; concept 263 play [n2] amusement,… …   New thesaurus

  • clown — [kloun] n. [< ? Scand, as in Ice klunni, clumsy person] 1. Obs. a peasant or farmer; rustic 2. a clumsy, boorish, or incompetent person 3. a performer who entertains, as in a circus, by antics, jokes, tricks, etc.; jester 4. a person who… …   English World dictionary

  • play the fool — CLOWN ABOUT/AROUND, fool about/around, mess about/around, lark about/around, monkey about/around, joke; informal horse about/around, act the goat; Brit. informal muck about/around. → play * * * play/act/the fool …   Useful english dictionary

  • Clown — This article is about the comic performer. For other uses, see Clown (disambiguation). A typical clown Clowns are comic performers stereotypicall …   Wikipedia

  • Clown — Andrej Nikolajev gehörte zu den Clowns des Moskauer Staatscirkus und ist heute Professor an der Theaterakademie in Moskau Ein Clown ist ein Artist, dessen Kunst es ist, Menschen zum Erstaunen, Nachdenken und auch zum Lachen zu bringen. Der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Clown — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете отредактировать эту статью …   Википедия

  • Clown Conservatory — The Clown Conservatory is a private performing arts school in San Francisco, CA. It is the only year long professional circus and theatrical clown training program in America. Beginning in 2000 with a grant from the National Endowment for the… …   Wikipedia

  • clown — 1. noun 1) a circus clown Syn: comedian; jester, fool, zany 2) the class clown Syn: joker, comedian, comic, humorist, wag, wit, prankster, jester …   Thesaurus of popular words

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